Yesterday 8 year old Squish and I went for a walk at the Nature Center. As we walked the mile or so, several times a lizard or squirrel tried to scare us by rustling in the dried leaves out of sight or jumping out at us along the path. (We're normally not that jumpy, but the Nature Center was unusually empty and we were largely by ourselves.)
So as we walked Squish said "how can you tell if a lizard is a boy or a girl?" I thought about it and said that it was my guess that a boy lizard had "body parts" that were just like a human boy. His response after blushing that I had used the "p" word was "yeah, and the girls have long hair and sing too much!"
There must be only boy lizards at the Nature Center.
(And for the record, he was thinking of the girls at his school, apparently they like to congregate around the recess "Coachie" and sing to her. I didn't want you to imagine that I was "going Maria" at the Nature Center. Hmmm? What is "Going Maria?" - The Sound of Music - her name was "Maria" - Me not singing "The hills are alive, with the sound of lizards....")
What a fun mom you are to go to the nature center and have these deep philosophical conversations. My conversations at the nature center are limited to "Put that stick down," "Stay on the trail," "Please don't throw rocks at the trees - they don't like it" Maybe someday we can be grown up like Squishy.
Oh, we have those conversations too! We had an in depth discussion on how to tell where the trail was, based on all the fallen leaves and how broken up the leaves were. (over and over and over and over!) *grin*
Thanks for writing!
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