Thursday, January 8, 2009

Aquarium of the Pacific

On Saturday, Jan 3rd we got to go with Bella, along with Grandma and Grandpa visiting from out of state, to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

We hadn't been there in a long time, and it was the Grandparents first time, as well as Bella's. So we looked at everything with "first timers eyes". We were there for hours, but we saw lots of jellyfish, seals, sharks, touched some baby sharks and bat rays, ate a delicious (if overpriced) lunch at Cafe Scuba, and Grandpa and I got po
oped on in the Lorikeet Forest. (sigh - again.) Bella, and Grandma were brave enough to feed the Lorikeets, and one even jumped on Bella's head. (I love that photo - you can see Squish in the background is completely shocked and excited by it.) While it was up there it tried to nibble on her barrett, then went off to find a nectar cup. The Leafy Sea Dragons are one of my favorite exhibits, the octopus is really neat, as well as watching Squish look for poison frogs in the frog exhibit.

There were many im
provements to the aquarium, if you haven't been in a while, you might want to check it out. It was decorated for Christmas, but I'm guessing it's all down now. Great Job Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific!

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