A little Disney Christmas Magic
Last night we made our annual family trip to the happiest place on earth. Wen's mom-in-law is sweet and signs in our folks and we take the kids to Pizza Planet for dinner, then go on Small World - Christmas style and the Haunted Mansion - All dressed up for "Nightmare Before Christmas" and the Pirate ride. It may sound silly, but it's one of those traditions that we really look forward to and book months in advance so we can all go together.
My favorite parts las
t night? In line for the Haunted Mansion, the lines were incredibly long. My boys were worried about going on the ride, as I was at their ages. It was about 9ish at night, and it was really dark. The line wound back and forth curving on itself. At one point Wen jumped out at Squish, yelled "boo" and kind of grabbed his arm as he walked past her. He almost went to his knees. It's not that I'm a mean Mom, it's just that he really likes to try to scare people all the time so it was kind of a poetic justice moment for me.
Another highlight wa
s riding Small World next to Wen. I was videotaping and she was...a little hyper (as we all were.) We had a great time being silly and I am really hoping that our comments are not preserved on the video I made while we rode. *grin* Disneyland just re-opened Small World. I wasn't sure how it would be different. Overall it's the same, but the children in the ride got new yarn hair and the boat's seats, while still bench style, now are plastic and have a grab bar in the head rest of the seat in front of you for all the waterfall drops and rapids section. (Just Kidding!)
I loved watchi
ng my nephew hold either of my boys hand's as they walked. It was cute seeing my niece say that she didn't like boys and didn't want to be in a picture with any boys. (Then to hear Squish ask her - "well, why are you related to boys if you don't like boys?") She just looked at him. Yes, 2nd grade logic cannot be argued with.I wish we lived closer to more family, but I am grateful that we are close to some, and that we can do things like this together. Merry Christmas!
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