Digging on Dinos at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles
Squish's teacher invited me to go with his 2nd grade class on a field trip to the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles. Personally, I think his teacher is amazing. She is just the nicest woman who loves her students enough to work them to their potential and doesn't let them get away with stuff. As a kid, I wouldn't have liked her. As a parent, I loooove her and really wish I could do some incredibly generous thing for her. But, since I really don't have any money, I try to do anything I can to help. Plus, I love field trips, so today was truly a win-win.
We went t
o see the dinosaurs at the museum, but they were still being re-arranged or dusted or something, so we didn't get to see the big exhibits that I was expecting. But, the kids don't know they missed anything. We went into a discovery room where the kids dug for fossils, touched fossils and rocks, looked at bugs and snakes, and then ended the time (for our group) by petting a few "animals." Why the quote marks? Because the "animals" were a hissing cockroach and a spiny stick bug. C'mon kids, who wants to pet the roach? Yes folks, they lined up for this privilege. Not my kid though, he stayed in his seat. But sweet girly-girls eagerly reached out and touched Mr. Roach and his pal Sticky. The boys did too, but it sounds like a boy thing. After that we saw a T-rex a
ll assembled in in the pose of attacking a 4 legged dino. That was neat. We finished the tour with "mammals" and looking at people actually digging bones out of dirt, which was cool.
While we were in this hallway looking at the scientists, I was at one end of the line of kids, and Mrs. P, Squish's teacher was at the other end. I looked to my left (the class was on my right) and I see a DINOSAUR walking towards me. A woman calmly annouced that it was a puppet, someone was wearing the puppet, and to please not touch the very, very expensive puppet. My first thought was "great....it actually looks real and is going to eat me first then go to work on the kids..." I looked at the kids and they had the same nervous looks in their eyes. As it walked tow
ards us, you could see the person's legs beneath the puppet, but I am telling you it LOOKED REAL. It moved like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. It "walked" up to me and was right in my face. I actually felt a shiver down my spine. I was telling myself "It's not real" but I could imagine if it was, how dead I would have been. Then, as fast as it appeared, it moved down the line and was gone. I remember a couple of kids trying to hide behind me, but we all agreed it was really neat.
For lunch we ate at a nearby park and the kids got to play on the playground equipment. They had about 40 min of solid, heart pumping, smile inducing playtime before we had to get back on the bus. I appreciated that Squish's teacher strongly endorsed having the kids have some time to run around. All in all, a fun day. We returned with the same kids we left with (a big plus) and are ready to go again!
What fun! I would have loved to have seen the dino live and in person! Well, I think I would, maybe not, hmmm.
It was really weird how kind of nervous it made me...but maybe you would have liked it! Thanks for commenting!
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