Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Newest School Photo

I've been wanting to write and tell you about us, and yeesh, the days fly by. Today I found this in my son's backpack, so I wanted to share! He's 12 now, and just growing so fast. This is his newest school picture and for once I bought the picture cd so I can actually claim it as my own!

We're getting ready for the last days of school. It's funny, time refused to go by at the beginning of the year, and now it won't stay still for anything! It's hard to believe I will soon have a 3rd grader and a 8th grader. Wow, I remember 8th grade. I was on the drill team and was making choices that would affect my future. Fortunately, I think that overall I made good choices, if I do say so myself! *grin*

I think somehow my brain recognizes that more free time is coming, because I am finding the desire to be creative again. I want to sew, scrapbook, and craft stuff up! I can't wait for summer when we can do things based more on our itinerary rather than on how much time we have after homework.

I hope you are all doing well, and that you may be blessed with good health and loved ones nearby.


Lightkeeper said...

Great photo! Cool background and I love the overall color! I bet you are really proud of him!

Rebecca Kline said...

12???? Are you kidding me? When did that happen? I swear he was just 6 or 7 a few months ago. He's growing into such a handsome young man (must be good genes).

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