Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We had rain!

Last night about 9pm I stepped into the boys room to put away some clean clothes (they'd been tucked in for about an hour) and I realized I was hearing rain pound on the rooftop. Usually you can't hear the rain in the house unless a window is open. Seeing that the boys were still awake, I excitedly (to put it mildly) asked if they could hear the rain too. We opened a window and happily listened. I called my Dad to tell him - (he loves the rain too and we'd both been on a rain watch all day.) My oldest asked if we could look at the rain, so we went out on the porch (yes, destroying all hopes of them sleeping anytime soon) and realized Mike was in his car using his ham radio in the driveway. Knowing that he would want to stay dry, the boys mounted a rescue mission to get him out. But the Daddy wasn't ready to come in yet so they had to walk around for a bit with pj's rolled up to stay dry. It rained so hard that when it hit the sidewalk it bubbled almost as if it was boiling. It was really cold, but really worth it. They had such a great time walking up and down our sidewalk. Our lives are made up of some many little things, like playing in the rain, that we kind of dismiss as "well, that was fun." and forget it. But I hope they remember this one time, when the sky opened up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your walk in the rain sounds like a really fun time! That's how we feel up here in WA when the sun comes out! You can come visit anytime and get a "rain fix" whenever you want. Of course, the sky doesn't open and deluge (usually) it just drizzles away day after day :-).