Friday, February 29, 2008

February in Review

What happened in February 2008?

* I spent and hour or so each Friday volunteering in Squish's 1st grade class, and I was serving in the ward Relief Society presidency as the 2nd counselor. I love Valentine's day for all of it's pink and red happiness. Pink is in short supply around here, so I really get into it. Another high point of the month was the Orange County Fairgrounds Scrapbook Expo. Ahh...the joys of collecting more scrap supplies!
* Mike spent each Tuesday night being of service for church conducting the ham radio net and attending another meeting. He also took Mr. W to 11 yr old Scouts each Thursday evening. Mike went to see the Mythbusters - Jamie and Adam - in person with Dave J and Nick on the 16th. They wore matching Mythbusters shirts and had a great time.
*Squish was really happy we had a ward movie night at the church on the 29th. We watched a Flintstones movie about Fred being a spy - what a fun way to introduce the boys to the Flintstones.
* Mr. W was really happy to pick out valentines and take them to school for his class party. He pretty much lives for holidays. (Don't we all?) *grin*

* We celebrated the "we met Amanda 1 year ago today" day on February 5th!
*We went to the Aquarium with Wen & the cousins for the Lincoln's birthday!

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