Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Bunny Cake - an update

Okay, I know you are all dying to see how the cake turned out. First off, it was easy to make the ears and bow tie once I could picture it in my head. The frosting went a little better. I made a homemade cream cheese frosting that is called "the last cream cheese frosting recipe you'll need."
Wow, it was really, really, good. Then I just for speed used a chocolate frosting from a container. I was going to use some edible Easter candy grass that I'd bought at Target to go under the bunny, but you know how there's that oily residue from a cake on aluminum foil? I didn't want to run the chance of that showing and I was too cheap to replace the foil, so everyone got it in their goodie bags instead. It worked. Mike frosted the face on for me, and did the piping around the edges. My folks and the boys, well, the boys especially, tho
ught it was a really cool cake. And really, isn't much of what a Mom does just so her kids can think she's cool? *grin*

Next year maybe I'll let the boys frost this. They really wanted to help, but I wasn't sure how hard it was gonna be. Let me know if anyone out there tries it! I'd love to hear how it went!


Rebecca Kline said...

Way cute bunny cake! Good Job Betty Crocker-Blackburn!

Mikybarb said...
