Sunday, March 15, 2009


What is it about Facebook? Is it that we can find old friends that we'd lost? Is it that it's fun to see how people's lives have turned out? Is it just that we need one more thing to keep track of? I'm having the hardest time remembering to blog. I even forgot I had email for a few days! Yikes! Anyway, I'm curious about what your take on it is. (And hey, friend me when you're done! hee hee!)

1 comment:

Rebecca Kline said...

I'm loving facebook now. At first I thought it was kind of stupid because the only friends I had were people I talked to all the time, but after a few days I began to love it. I feel special when someone has chosen me to be their "friend". I think it is like being given a warm fuzzy. I especially like to use it to IM people. Love, love, Love it! (and I'm already your friend so I can't ask you again)